
Rate Card

We do work with commercial brands. You’ve got three options:

Blog post on my website

  • The article will be written by me (1000 words)
  • Price: $150/link
  • Article content will be discussed later

Ads placement on the very top of my website (Mobile View Only)

  • Square Ad size: 300x250px
  • Price: $600/month (minimum 3 months)
  • Ad design will be discussed later

Ads placement on the top right sidebar (Desktop View Only)

  • Vertical Ad size: 240x400px
  • Price: $250/month (minimum 6 months)
  • Ad design will be discussed later

At this time we only post sponsored content we’ve created ourselves to ensure our website quality.

Ready to start a new project? Drop me a line. Email:

Let me know what you think.