Flower Garden Ideas – Who does not like a flower? The flower symbolizes some meaning in life. It can be romance, sorrow, or relationship, etc. considering it; you had better consider planting some flowers in your house with flower garden designs. Nowadays, there are so many ways to cultivate any plant. People do not need a vast land or a big garden specifically.
The perfect flower and pot will suit its treatment. It arcs the beauty of your home. At some points, it might fulfill your need for an additional supplement in your house. It develops as supporting some animals to live and or adding some fresh air inside the home.
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How to Plan a Flower Garden for Beginners
Growing a plant sometimes is easy but sometimes needed extra consideration. Some practical ways support the plantation of flowers. They are the necessary steps to develop a flower in the garden as well as the way of gardening.
1. Understanding the Basics
To start plant flowers in your garden, the substantial thing to do understands the basics. The basics should consider they are the kind of flower, its scent, the soil, and the pot. The type of flower is a simple or luxurious one. It depends on the design applicated in your house. The second one is the scent. Your member of the family might have some allergies so that you had better consider what kind of smell avoided.
On the other hand, while you want to add some natural odorous smell in your garden, plant some fragrant flowers in it. The most important thing is the pot. The perfect container determines its location and treatment. Thus, it affects how the soil put inside. Moreover, the vital thing to be aware of is the nutrition of the flower. Therefore, finding the perfect ground is the key to keep it grows.
2. Combining the Color
When planting flowers, the most notification to your eyes is the colors. Try to combine some so that it seems dynamic and not dull. When planting it, consider looking at the central theme of your garden. Whether it is natural, pop, vintage modern, zen garden or others. It determines the primary color to apply. Therefore, the next thing to do is determining the supplement or supplement color to shedlight the basic design.
3. Tries a Different Kind of Design
Living in the same houses sometimes is tedious. You might not feel this way. However, the other member, your relatives, or guest might. Therefore, considering trying a different kind of design is an obligation. The transformation is not the total one; it might come just in some significant parts. It starts when you have more preference or interest in gardening. Therefore, it is not only supporting your garden but your activities.
Popular Garden Flowers
When doubting choosing the perfect flowers here are some famous flowers found in the adjacent markets. At some points, keeping the old or familiar flowers is okay. However, sometimes, following the trend is the alternative.
1. Lilies
Lilies are the most elegant flower. Furthermore, living in a four-season country is the best way to cultivate them more. It is because the time they bloom is more catching portrait rather than in a two season one. Lilies are usually the prominent flower for a private garden. However, at some other types of gardens, it is the supplementary one.
2. Sun Flower
Growing sunflower in the high-intensity area is beneficial. The harvesting time is faster, besides its natural plantation. Sunflowers need high radiation to grow. Compared to other kinds, it is usually the supplementary plant, not the primary one. With its light color, it is suitable for the vintage or pop theme. Sometimes, it fits with the retro one.
3. Tulips
Tulips are simple enchanting flowers. With their varied colors, it adds some fresh and dynamic atmosphere to your garden. Growing tulips are easy. Things to pay attention to are the soil and its space. Having a large garden enables you to design it with another kind of flowers. They need a balance of sunlight and humidity. Therefore, make sure you put it in the right position.
4. Roses
Who does not like roses? Many countries have a different meaning of roses. They are used to symbolize love, friendship, and condolence. When growing roses, pay attention to the stem and how you cut it. They do not need an abundance of water, so do not put it in the watery place. Do not forget to clean up the scaled of leaves routinely, to avoid germs and weeds contaminate their roots and stems dying.
5. Pansy
Pansy is suitable for the angular garden. With its rounded petals, it is perfect to combine with incisive details like the pot. Having a small yard does not be haste to put more daisies. It grows fast and lush. Therefore, having a small garden enables its beauty. It needs more humid rather than heat, so make sure putting it under more significant trees.
6. Sweet Peas
Make some space with loose soil to put them in. Put a distance while planting. Adding more fertilizer routinely enables them to grow but do not apply it often. The perfect length helps them to grow greener and produce more meaty peas. Therefore, it not just modifies the garden with their beauty but also more benefits for your kitchen.
7. Nigella
Nigella is suitable to plant in cold weather. It has a prominence color, which is blue. However, some are white or purple. It has long, thin leaves, which grow in abundance. With its piling up petals, it is a simple but plush flower. It has a famous name, which is called love in a mist.
8. Marigold
Marigold has a standard color, which is yellow and orange. It produces a strong scent when growing in a large clan. Its fluffy petals are suitable for making the garden became fuller. Planting it in a small round or ample space for the large group. However, when planning to make it as a supplement put it in the little glass pot.
9. Daisy
Daisy has soft colors, which can be used to give a warm impression. They can be pink white, peach, and yellow. It usually grows for about two to three feet tall. Some florist provides a plant in a container directly. However, planting it forms seeds is possible. Make sure you water it thoroughly. Keep it dry after that.
10. Dianthus
You can plant it with perennial flower garden design for a more practical way. Planting it in a small pot with a clay pot to keep it moist. They have varied colors like purple, red, pink, and white. When planting during autumn, it will be incredibly gorgeous in spring or summer.
Flower Garden Ideas
After deciding which suitable colors for the garden are, the next step is choosing the best design for your garden. It adjusts with the size of the house. However, some flower garden ideas for you!
1. Flower Garden in Front of House

When having a large field in front of the house, it is better to plant some small short flowers there. With its size, it serves more sunlight so that they can grow faster. Also, it builds a neat nuance when entering the house. It adds some enchanting gorgeous impression. Combine some contrasting colors to arc its view. With its single size, the treatment is practical. All you need to do is watering, and with the sunlight, they can dry themselves. Therefore, you have to clean up the fallen leaves for its cleannes.
The play of various medium is the key for flower garden ideas for small space. Use a combination of medium trees to keep the garden moist in the edge of the yard. Plant some posh flowers, which grow fast. Daisy and some marigold are the right combinations. Choose the right angle when composing the flowers. It affects how people perceive your garden.
2. Small Flower Garden

Prepare for some medium of stones before planting the bulbs. Choose the bright dominant colors. It reduces the actual size of the garden. With the spooky plants, it seems fertile. To avoid its monotonous nuance, though adding some two or three other light color tone flowers is acceptable.
Choose the annual flower so that you can try a different flower each year. It eases the treatment of the small flower garden ideas. All you have to do is controlling the moist before they grow old so that they are kept clean and fertile.
3. Flower with Rocks

Get bored with the soil landscape? Adding stones and pebbles is the answer. You can determine the stone by its size, patter, or tonous colors. Also, some textures adjust to the weather. Too brittle rock makes it moldy and messy. You can use it as the medium of the flowers or as additional items. Nice looking garden path using rock as the direction.
4. Small Backyard Garden

While not having enough yards in front of the house, why not trying to develop the one in the backyard with small garden landscaping ideas? With its fountain space, it is romantic to have that one. Plant some tall trees inside the edge of the garden. It makes your garden large and posh. Choose a single flower to plant with lit up colors like red roses, tulips, or Nigella. It is more functional to be a single view while having with your relatives or partners. It glows in the dark and bright in the morning. Therefore, it keeps sparkle its beauty anytime.
5. Vibrant Colors

While having a medium size garden, choose the vibrant colors to add more shining view. To avoid its magnified look, plant some grass on it. It builds your garden to become a semi-park. Therefore, you can do some activities there. Adding succulents in the edge of the garden is okay. Add some spooky small trees to balance the color tone.
6. Simple Garden

Simple design does not mean dull. Some simple designs precisely look extravagant. It does not reduce its primary natural ground, though simple. With the whole productive land, simple design can be magnificent. Combine some flowers with typical treatment like lilies, tulips, or marigold. Their similar characteristics ease the arrangement of the whole design, including the pots, the hedge, and the watering.
7. Traditional Cottage

If you prefer classical style, traditional cottage is the answer. With the iconic cabin, you can put additional accessories there. It is suitable for you who lived in the suburban or mountainous areas. The fresh air will produce more superior and cold sensitivity. It will refresh your brain after working in the office. When you work at home, it can be an alternative for stimulating new ideas during working.
8. Olive Mill

Besides considering some treatments on other flowers, an olive mill concept is relatable. With the green nuance, the garden will look fresher and healthier. Green is never out of date. As the iconic item, paint the mill with a dark brown or terra cotta. After watering, they look watery and with full sunlight, they shine a diamond water splash. It is adorable.
9. Victorian Landscape

This design is considered rare for everyday people. Some who have a large and old house defends this style. It senses vintage though some adaptation makes it pop, depend on the plants but also the landscape. The garden employs a robust full design and builds a strong theme at a precise moment.
10. Pink and White

Some beginners prefer to do pink and white design. It is because it builds a shining space. With the basic brown or black containers, add some pink flowers to grow. Avoid using a light color for the pots since it makes the garden brighter and hiding the details of each part of the garden. Choose daisy as the central flower and add some succulents or tall trees there.
11. Patio Flower Garden

Open garden with patio is not odd with small patio flower gardens. Plant some medium trees like casuarinas to make it larger. Succulent and hanging plants are famous for this design. Adding some hanging pots are allowed. Pay attention to the pest so that they can grow long and well kept.
12. Flower and Sculpture

While choosing the medium, why not adding some iconic sculpture there? With the contrasting texture of the medium like stone or husk, adding some sculpture with patterns is aesthetic. For you who like crafting, this design is matching. You can transfer your interest besides designing its necessity.
13. Tulips Garden

Tulips are commonly perfect for a large garden. This makes your garden more extensive and compact. All you have to do is preparing for its growth with the ideal treatment. One succeed treatment keeps it better. You can choose both single and varied color to combine.
14. Annual Garden

When having a permanent house, a yearly flower garden ideas is an option. For busy people, this design is applicable. Choose flowers annually growing, which grow in any season. You can discuss it with the member of the family first since it will exist in an extended period. Changing some additional items to avoid some imbalance of dull tone.
To sum up, designing flower garden ideas is practical. Things to consider is the size of the garden, the flowers, the medium, the color both the flowers and the medium, theme, and angle. With perfect proportions, it sparkles the beauty of your house.